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  • Aarav J.

Phineas and the Mind-Control-Inator


I just wish Dr. Doof would stop trying to foil my plans with his friend Dr. Coconut. Today I made a Mind-Control-Inator, but he busted into my lab and started beating me up even though I told him not to come yesterday. I was angry that he broke my wall, so I trapped him in a cage. I smirked at him, “You have to pay, with money and in pain.”

He told Dr. Coconut, “Get his machine!”

As quick as a cricket I took out my platypus ray and sprayed Dr. Coconut with it. I heard a brief “Shsph”. Within 2 seconds a big fat platypus was sitting in my office. I started to explain that my Mind-Control-Inator would help me take over the Tri State Area by making everyone under my control when I spray them.

Dr. Doof:

Why can’t Phineas take a break from evil forever? I knew he was up to something when he told me not to come to his office, that is why I busted his wall.

I still don’t understand why I fit into a trap that is 1-inch tall and 5-inches wide. I am trying to chisel my way out of this trap. Why is it taking forever? Suddenly, Phineas roared angrily, “You have to pay, with money and in pain.”

One more time, I yelled to Dr. Coconut, “Get his machine!”

Dr. Coconut ran to get the machine but turned into a platypus? What happened? I couldn’t chisel myself out of the cage. Phineas was talking about something I was not listening to, because I was focused on something more important. Getting out of the cage.

Dr. Coconut:

I don’t understand why Phineas didn’t trap me, the intern. When Dr. Doof was trapped I was stunned. Phineas was blabbering. I ignored him. When Dr. Doof said, “Get his machine!”, I jumped. I believe I got sprayed. Phineas was blabbering again. I was more focused on what happened to me.

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